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Basics for Wild Camping in Africa

Most of the tourists would like to have a taste of the jungle life on a safari in Africa. This is to treat the boredom they acquire while in the urban life. Through this they end up requesting to sleep in the wild so that to taste the wild night. Camping can be on either a luxurious level or on do it yourself basis. Under luxurious camping, most of the preparations are done in advance before clients arrive. May also include having permanent fixed tents at the camp site, almost everything is done involving the clients. In some instances, clients may get involved in cooking, pinching the tents among others. But this form of activity is very challenging when it comes to some tour guides. For example, it may appear unbecoming for a guide to be taught how to pitch a tent by a tourist.


You have finally arrived at your camping destination and you are scoping out the area to see which spot looks best for setting up your campsite. What should you be looking for?

  • The level of the surface

Look for relatively high, level ground. There is some truth to the saying ‘high and dry’ and you should never set up your tent on a slope, or you will find yourself rolling out of your sleeping bag all night.

  • Water source

Water is essential for camping; you will need it for all your drinking, cooking and cleaning up. You don’t want to have to walk far with a five-gallon container.

  • Cooking space

Look for an adequate area for cooking. Don’t ever cook in your tent! Locate a flat area away from any leaves, twigs or brush that may catch fire. And never leave an unattended campfire burning.

  • Extra space

It’s nice to have a shady spot to relax in during the heat of the day or while hanging out at the campsite.

  • Don’t forget the sustainability principles

Don’t kill the floral with hot, soapy water. Use bio-degradable soap, and only dump gray water in designated areas or where it will do no harm.

  • Cleanliness and waste disposal

Always keep a clean campsite. Collect all litter and keep it gathered away from your tent in a location out of reach of any of the local critters or pests

  • Keep a clean campsite

After meals do a thorough job of cleaning the dishes and the eating area and put all trash in appropriate containers. Never leave food or leftovers unattended at the campsite, because animals will make quick use of it and usually leave quite a mess in the process

  • Observe campground rules the rules were made so that everyone can enjoy the campground. It only takes one camper from hell to ruin it for everyone else.


What makes camping enjoyable, are the activities engaged in while at the campsite. As a professional, go through the following activities

  • Crosschecking your checklist

Organize your gear and all the essentials that you may use while camping. Depending on when and where you like to camp and what you like to do, the list will be ever changing. But most importantly, use it.

  • Time for recreation

After setting up the campsite, it’s time to go do what you came here for. Whatever your preoccupation is, enjoy! This is the reason why you came here, enjoy the life. On some visitor’s side, they like listening to the wild music played by mammals, birds, insects and wind passing over the trees and grass. Watching stars on the sky at night will make a joyful camp night for any wild camper.

  • Plan meal times

Whether it’s just the two of you or the whole family, let everyone know when it’s time to eat before they go running off to play. Meals take more time to prepare at the campground, but it’s also one of the chores that everyone seems to want to help out with.

  • Take a late night walk

Check out the stars, listen to the silence, smell the fresh country air. It doesn’t get any better than this, now get a good night’s sleep and get up and do it all again.


Here are some helpful tips and information so that you will be well prepared for your camping trip.

  • Plan your trip so that you arrive at your actual campsite with enough day light left to check over the entire campsite and to set up camp
  • Be sure to check the site thoroughly for glass, sharp objects, branches that could fall or are hung low.
  • Check the contour of the land and look for potential trouble due to rain. Check for areas that could flood or become extremely muddy and cause problems
  • Look for level with enough room to spread out all your camping gear.
  • Look for a site that has trees or shrubs on the side of the prevailing winds. This will help block the wind if it should gust or get quite strong
  • Check for potential hazards at the campsite such as poison ivy, bees, ants, sharp objects and other dangerous areas
  • Fire is of prime concern at the campsite. Be sure you have an area for a fire that cannot spread laterally or vertically. Whenever a fire is lit at the campsite make sure that someone is assigned to watch it at all time Keep water nearby for emergencies. Be sure that when you put the fire out you use water and soil and be certain that the fire is completely out, cool to the touch.
  • Don’t forget your good recycling habits on vacation. They are just as important to camping as they are at home.
  • Keep your campsite fires to an absolute minimum at all times


Start the fire by building a small, inverted cone of dry sticks, twigs and forest duff and igniting it with a match its advisable to add larger pieces of wood as the fire’s kindling temperature increases. Also burn trash items only if they can be fully consumed by fire and turned to ash. Do not attempt to burn plastic.


  • Build fires only in designated fire rings, grills or fireplaces
  • Know fire restrictions before you leave the trailhead
  • Do not gather or burn pieces thicker than an adult’s wrist. Thick chunks of wood are rarely allowed to burn completely
  • Ideally, the pit (base) of your fire should be nonflammable earth(sand,gravel) or mineral soil choose your site conscientiously
  • Pack out any trash found in your pit.

What do you think?

Written by Mike Bisho

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